Is there anything more frustrating than an unresponsive boss? You've gone out of your way to complete a project effectively, but without receiving any feedback or guidance on how to move forward. Or you've reached a milestone, and need direction or clarification on the next steps—it can leave you feeling helpless and powerless.
Many middle managers struggle in situations where their superior is either unwilling or unable, to provide clear instructions regarding ongoing projects, making it difficult (and sometimes impossible!) to make continuous progress. If you find yourself in this situation then don't worry; you're certainly not alone! In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best methods for dealing with an unresponsive boss while remaining professional and striving toward success within your organization.
1. Be proactive: Don't wait around for your boss to give you a direction or an answer. Take initiative by coming up with solutions and taking the lead on projects. Show your boss that you're capable of making decisions and problem-solving without them having to be involved every step of the way. They themselves are often buried under a mountain of work.
2. Advocate for yourself: If you feel like your boss is not listening to you in meetings, or is unresponsive to your communications, don’t hesitate to speak up if necessary and make sure they can hear you out. Remember the adage, "the squeaky wheel", and be persistent. Make sure your ideas are heard and discussed, as well as any concerns or questions that may arise.
3. Try an indirect approach: If direct communication isn't getting through, maybe try an indirect approach. This could be in the form of emails, memos, or even talking to other colleagues who may have more insight into what your boss is thinking.
4. Respect their boundaries: It can be tempting to continually bug your boss for answers, but this can create a negative and stressful environment. Instead, respect their boundaries by only contacting them when necessary and waiting patiently for a response before taking any further action.
5. Seek feedback: Make sure you’re asking for feedback regularly; even if it's not immediately forthcoming, it will give you a better idea of where you stand with your manager and how you need to adjust moving forward.
By following these simple tips, hopefully, you'll find it easier to navigate professional relationships with an unresponsive boss and make progress within your organization. Good luck!